Tag: CRM

Rethink Your Approach to CRM Integration
Jul 25, 2019
Rethink Your Approach to CRM Integration

For a lot of businesses, their approach to technology comes in fits and starts. They’ll add one program but still be reliant on outdated or time-consuming processes for some essential piece of the day-to-day. Or they have a bunch of different tech pieces that have been purchased and integrated all at different times, making the […]

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Manufacturers are Turning to Salesforce
Jul 16, 2019
Manufacturers are Turning to Salesforce

Do you need to increase efficiencies so that you can out-pace your competition? Do you need more opportunities in your pipeline? Maybe it’s clear, actionable information so that you can make better business decisions? All great reasons manufacturers around the world are turning to the Salesforce® platform to deliver a fully customizable customer experience through […]

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YANMAR Ad Victoriam Partnership Salesforce Implementation
Jun 04, 2019
AdVic Partnership: Not Just a ‘One-Off Project’

The YANMAR America and Ad Victoriam Solutions (AdVic) partnership dates back to May 2017 when YANMAR, a recognized leader in the design and manufacturing of diesel engines and diesel-powered equipment, was referred to AdVic directly by Salesforce. “When choosing AdVic, we were very guarded against repeating our previous Salesforce failures,” recalls YANMAR Business Systems Manager, […]

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Sep 12, 2016
5 Questions to Answer Before Implementing a Salesforce Community

Are you considering joining the millions of customers who have subscribed to Salesforce? Before you start trying to integrating the world’s #1 CRM, it’s important to stop for a few moments and consider what an ideal Salesforce implementation looks like for your small, medium or large-scale organization. Here are a few questions to ask yourself […]

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