What Every Business Needs to Know About AI & GPT - Ad Victoriam Salesforce Simplified Podcast

What Every Business Needs to Know About AI & GPT

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In this episode of “Salesforce Simplified” we’re speaking with Catalytics Founder/Managing Partner Frank Mendoza about everything a business needs to know about AI and GPT.

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AdVic eBook: Exploring Salesforce’s GPT-Powered AI Tools:



Speaker 1

This is  “Salesforce Simplified,” the podcast from Ad Victoriam Solutions. Here’s your host, Mike Boyle…

Mike Boyle

Hello, everyone. Nice to have you back with us here on the Ad Victoriam “Salesforce Simplified” podcast. As the man said, my name is Mike Boyle, and today we’re going to be speaking with Catalytics founder and managing partner, Frank Mendoza about something that’s in the news everywhere you turn these days and something that every business needs to know about. I’m talking about AI artificial intelligence. Hey, Frank! Welcome to the “Salesforce Simplified” podcast. We are thrilled that you’re here with us today.

Frank Mendoza

Mike, it’s a complete honor to be here. I appreciate you offering me up the opportunity to speak with your audience. So thank you so much for having me.

Mike Boyle

Well, before we get started, just a little bit more about Frank. He is a highly respected and award winning analytics leader with over 20 years of experience in strategy, customer experience, and data science. He is the founder of Catalytics, which is a service company that helps Fortune 500 companies like Nike, Kellogg’s, Keurig, Dr. Pepper, and Jim Beam to execute actionable AI and data analytics strategies to solve their toughest business challenges. And just for the record, Frank holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and an executive MBA from the University of Texas at Austin, where I believe I’m speaking to you. You are in Austin today, correct?

Frank Mendoza

Correct. Yeah. Great city of Austin and Texas and a little hot outside, but other than that, it’s a fantastic day in Austin, Texas.

Mike Boyle

All right, Frank. Here we go. We need to kind of start here if we’re going to educate businesses about AI. Let’s start with the different types of AI that are out there and the terms that we’re hearing daily now, like generative, GPT… Can you differentiate them for us?

Frank Mendoza

It’s great to kind of level-set everybody. So, there are different types of artificial intelligence, Mike. There’s something called artificial narrow intelligence. There’s something called artificial general intelligence, and then there’s even something called artificial super-intelligence. Super-intelligence right now is just theoretical at this point. This is where you have algorithms and things that start to learn more and better and can perform any task better than a human. It’s theoretical. It’s not currently available to us. Artificial general intelligence is where it starts to perform as well as a human. It starts to interpret and can understand things, even to some extent, starts to make its own decisions based on very little input, if no input from humans. That’s right. Now less theoretical, more attainable, but certainly not available to us today. Right? Artificial narrow intelligence is where we’re living. This is where everything from recommendation engines from Netflix to the generative AI solutions that chat GPT and DALL-E and Midjourney all play these GPT solutions. Those are what’s considered narrow intelligence, meaning they can perform a specific task, but they have limited scope and fixed functionality. You define a target, you start to collect information. It identifies patterns and then makes a recommendation and that’s where you start focusing on that narrow intelligence that we are today.

Mike Boyle

Could you talk, Frank, a little bit about some of the common misconceptions that people have about AI and related data analytics and how do you address those with your clients, the people you speak with?

Frank Mendoza

Yeah, so let’s talk a little bit more about the narrow intelligence and we can talk a little bit about the challenges. Right, so there is discriminative artificial intelligence. This is where you are looking for a prediction on a number, a percentage. You want some kind of output to be given to you. Then there’s the generative AI, which again, to your point, since November of last year has really been hyped. This is what everyone is kind of talking about right now. And this is where you want to generate some type of output that is text, natural language, it’s an image, it’s music or sound. Those are kind of generative AI solutions. And some of the misconceptions people have is they’re interchangeable. Right? And so that’s not necessarily the case. If you really want to get to I want to make a prediction on sales forecast for next year, then you really want to look at discriminative types of solutions. Those tend to be more customized, more unique, more output that’s going to be tailored towards your specific use case. These generative AI solutions are, again, more general. They tend to want to give an output that is something that is akin to creativity. So, again, maybe a blog post or an image of cats and dogs or a sound from your music, from your favorite artist or something like that, it’s generating something outside of just normal. So that’s one misconception is that I could use these generative AI solutions to do forecasting or to give me some prediction on a number like customer churn, for example, or things like that.

Mike Boyle

Can’t give me the winning lottery numbers, right?

Frank Mendoza

No, not yet. Not at this stage.

Mike Boyle

Although I did have the Mega Ball last night in that $1.58 billion. I won $4, buddy.

Frank Mendoza

No one ever can call you a loser…

Mike Boyle

There you go. Be in it to win it… Frank, can you talk a little bit about or maybe explain to me how you go about identifying the best approach for implementing AI and data analytics strategies in a business or industry?

Frank Mendoza

Yeah, I think the best approach to start looking at this is to start taking an intentional approach to these solutions. Right now, I think what you have is a lot of folks who are looking at a little bit of a shiny object syndrome, right? There’s so many cool things that are happening, but it’s really trying to understand what are your business objectives and goals and then how do we identify the best approach to go solve those in some cases? Mike, as you can know, generative AI may not be the right solution. It may be a discriminative AI in some cases based on your analytics maturity and where you are on your evolution of that journey. It may be simply reports and dashboards that you need at this stage in order to make better decisions. And so the best approach I found is not to go in there and assume that AI is going to solve the problem. I think the better approach is to approach it as what are the challenges that you’re currently undergoing? Identify the specific problems that are going to address those, and then define a hypothesis, and then start to address that hypothesis and determine whether or not these new emerging technologies like AI and generative AI solutions are really going to help you achieve that or not.

Mike Boyle

Let’s talk a little bit, Frank, about implementing AI and data analytics and the challenges associated with them for businesses. How do they overcome those challenges of implementation?

Frank Mendoza

Yeah, so one of the first challenges is that I think people can definitely talk about bias in some of these models. Right. One of the bigger challenges. When you start to introduce these models, you have to recognize that they’ve been trained on some set of data. And these large language models that are really popular right now, they’ve been trained on the World Wide Web and billions and billions and billions of web pages and articles and books and et cetera. But inherently in our society and as humans, we have biases. And one of those challenges is identifying those biases and recognizing them and then ensuring that when you implement those solutions that you’re mitigating those biases as much as possible and recognizing them.

The other challenge, Mike, that you really need to consider is inherent in most introductions of new technologies within organizations. And that’s inertia for an organization to want to stay status quo and recognize that we’ve always done it this way. So how can we approach a different way of doing things right? This means that you’re going to have to look inherently at the processes, the people, and in most cases the technology to determine if there are opportunities to disrupt that process. And that can be alarming to some folks, as you can imagine, who have done their process or their role in a certain way for a while. And you’re introducing these new technologies to that fold, and that may cause a little bit of uncertainty.

Ad Victoriam Solutions
Ad Victoriam Solutions helps companies bridge the gap between technology and business insights for greater efficiencies. We can turn even the most complex problems into smart solutions that help businesses perform better and achieve more. We’re cloud and data experts who work across a spectrum of leading-edge applications and technologies to help companies solve critical IT problems - quickly, simply and efficiently.