The Inherited Org Playbook: Strategies for Salesforce Success - Ad Victoriam Salesforce Simplified Podcast

The Inherited Org Playbook: Strategies for Salesforce Success

Episode Notes/Resources:

In this episode of Salesforce Simplified we’re talking with Ad Victoriam Solutions Salesforce Technical Architect, Jitin Chatlani, about inheriting a Salesforce org and key considerations admins need to heed. 


[00:00] – Salesforce Simplified podcast focuses on inheriting a Salesforce org
[01:00] – Ad Victoriam is taking over an existing Salesforce org
[03:31] – Talk about some key areas where admins should focus on documenting first
[06:46] – Let’s talk a little bit about technical debt in inherited orgs
[09:24] – Security is huge when inheriting a Salesforce org
[13:06] – Ask your client or customer how they want to segment their customers
[14:00] – Many inherited orgs run into multiple integrations that need assessment
[17:29] – Red flags include creating custom objects when you should be using standard ones
[20:23] – How do you balance necessary improvements with user adoption and satisfaction
[22:49] – Talk about your strategy for handling duplicate or abandoned automation
[25:26] – Data quality issues often come up when inheriting an org
[29:38] – Descriptions can really help when you inherit an old org


How to Keep Your Salesforce Org Secure and Up-To-Date

Set Up Your Salesforce Org for Integration with MuleSoft

Jitin Chatlani on LinkedIn 

Ad Victoriam Solutions
Ad Victoriam Solutions helps companies bridge the gap between technology and business insights for greater efficiencies. We can turn even the most complex problems into smart solutions that help businesses perform better and achieve more. We’re cloud and data experts who work across a spectrum of leading-edge applications and technologies to help companies solve critical IT problems - quickly, simply and efficiently.