The Inherited Org Playbook: Strategies for Salesforce Success
Episode Notes/Resources:
In this episode of Salesforce Simplified we’re talking with Ad Victoriam Solutions Salesforce Technical Architect, Jitin Chatlani, about inheriting a Salesforce org and key considerations admins need to heed.
[00:00] – Salesforce Simplified podcast focuses on inheriting a Salesforce org
[01:00] – Ad Victoriam is taking over an existing Salesforce org
[03:31] – Talk about some key areas where admins should focus on documenting first
[06:46] – Let’s talk a little bit about technical debt in inherited orgs
[09:24] – Security is huge when inheriting a Salesforce org
[13:06] – Ask your client or customer how they want to segment their customers
[14:00] – Many inherited orgs run into multiple integrations that need assessment
[17:29] – Red flags include creating custom objects when you should be using standard ones
[20:23] – How do you balance necessary improvements with user adoption and satisfaction
[22:49] – Talk about your strategy for handling duplicate or abandoned automation
[25:26] – Data quality issues often come up when inheriting an org
[29:38] – Descriptions can really help when you inherit an old org
How to Keep Your Salesforce Org Secure and Up-To-Date