Salesforce Managed Services - Real Use Case Solutions - Ad Victoriam Salesforce Simplified Podcast

Salesforce Managed Services: Real Use Case Solutions

Episode Notes/Resources:

On this episode of Salesforce Simplified, the topic is “Salesforce Managed Services – Real Use Case Solutions,” and our guest is Ad Victoriam’s Director of Managed Services, Joel Cajigas. 


Listen to What Salesforce Managed Services Can Do For You

Building and Maintaining Relationships Through Managed Services

AdVic Provides a Managed Services Solution

Salesforce Managed Services Advantages That Control Costs

THRIVE Managed Services for Salesforce & MuleSoft


Speaker A: This is Salesforce Simplified, the podcast from Ad Victoriam Solutions. Here’s your host, Mike Boyle.

Mike Boyle: So nice to have you all join us again here on the Salesforce Simplified podcast. Today’s topic is managed services –  real use case solutions and my guest is Ad Victoriam’s own Director of Managed Services, Joel Cajigas.  Joel, welcome back to the podcast. Nice to have you with us.

Joel Cajigas: Hey Mike, thanks for having me again. It’s great to be back.

Mike Boyle: You are with us in August of ’22 for any of those who would like to go back to hear that episode when you were joining us to talk about what a managed services program is, we’re going to go a little bit deeper now and talk about some real use case solutions for managed services. But, I don’t want to be presumptuous. There are folks who listen to the podcast who may not exactly know what a managed services program is, so just give us a broad overview, Joel, of an MSP.

Joel Cajigas: Someone’s pretty familiar with the professional services side of engagements where you have a defined scope, budget, and timeline and you set out to accomplish those things under those conditions. A managed services engagement is one where we don’t have those types of constraints. We’ll set aside a budget, say 100 hours a month, and within those hours we can pick things up as they come in. Right. And we can set roadmaps and plan work, but also have some flexibility to pick up those things that come up unexpectedly or if we have to shift gears without having to, you know, go through complex change orders or renegotiating scope or anything like that, just reprioritize as, as it comes up.

Mike Boyle: And in the case of what we do at Ad Victoriam Solutions, our managed services programs help people with their Salesforce orgs and things that need to get done that they may not have the time to do. And the maintenance and the little projects that pop up from here and there.

Joel Cajigas: Correct. We can pick up those maintenance activities and the day-to-day support as needed, as well as we can plan out to support customers that don’t have the skill sets in-house to pick themselves.

Mike Boyle: All right, so let’s get into talking a little bit about some of the use case solutions that are available in a managed services program. Walk us through a typical scenario where a company might benefit from a managed services approach for Salesforce

Joel Cajigas: It’s an interesting segue to this because there’s different profiles of companies that benefit from managed services engagement, especially in the Salesforce base. You’ll have those companies who are looking to push the latest and greatest technologies in order to gain advantages in the market. So those types of companies are looking for experts in the space to drive them in that direction. You also have some companies that have their capable admins internally that just needs some additional support for maybe specialized skill sets that they don’t have and they just want people to bounce ideas off of. And then you have customers or companies that are coming into the Salesforce space in particular and they just don’t know where to go and they’re looking for someone to hold their hand through the process to help them get from point A to point B or sometimes even visualize, you know, where they can go. It’s because all of these profiles exist that are our team. Our THRIVE team has matured to offer different levels of engagement that suit the different types of needs for all these companies.

Mike Boyle: Well, you mentioned THRIVE – that is the official name of AdVic’s managed services program – THRIVE Managed Services. So talk to me about a client that has significantly been impacted, some challenges that they’ve faced, and how a managed services program like ours has helped them.

Joel Cajigas: So we had a customer in the education industry, they had just started their Salesforce journey and they were in that critical next step of trying to figure out where to go next. And one of the struggles they had is trying to define the next project because they had these short-term needs but they weren’t sure what they wanted to pursue next. They didn’t always know what was possible and it’s really hard to structure a project under those conditions. So instead of trying to bucket them into a project, you know, our THRIVE team came in and our more flexible approach allowed us to pick up those short-term goals or quick wins that they needed to see that immediate benefit. While we were able to settle some of our roadmapping sessions to plan out and help them visualize where they could go, allowed us to maybe plan out what maybe the next two years look like from their perspective and their goals and what we could accomplish. And then from there, that led to a number of different structured projects to get those things out the door. While our THRIVE team continued to help with the data support and the long-term vision.

Mike Boyle: Well, let’s focus on a particular industry that AdVic serves. Joel, can you share an example of a use case where managed services help a client in that industry to streamline a critical business process?

Joel Cajigas: One of our partners sells highly customizable product sets and their quoting process was incredibly manual and very time-consuming for their sales. So obviously they set out to bring all that business logic into Salesforce to assist with the process. Our THRIVE team’s expertise in the particular industry was one of the driving points of us being able to work with them. Obviously, this was an intense effort because the product sets were so large and the number of combinations possible is in the thousands. And the other complicated portion was that we then had to present it back very neatly in a quote document. So our long-term knowledge of their, as well as the industry and how to navigate that allowed us to be the ones in the driver’s seat with our particular customer and some of their ancillary partners that manage other systems that we had to pull in together. Ultimately, we settled on a very thorough testing process to make sure that all the possible permutations were accounted for and it led to a very streamlined rollout. This was an engagement that took over two years to get from the beginning to the end, but it was a very successful one.

Ad Victoriam Solutions
Ad Victoriam Solutions helps companies bridge the gap between technology and business insights for greater efficiencies. We can turn even the most complex problems into smart solutions that help businesses perform better and achieve more. We’re cloud and data experts who work across a spectrum of leading-edge applications and technologies to help companies solve critical IT problems - quickly, simply and efficiently.