Any successful business knows that in order to find and solve problems, you have to start by looking at your data. With all of the technology out there – including Salesforce® – the hard part isn’t getting access to the data you need – it’s analyzing and interpreting your data, and then understanding how your […]
Category: Salesforce
It’s no secret that vast global changes are quickly altering the way people live and work—requiring businesses to rethink their teams, processes, and technologies to stay competitive. If your business isn’t already transforming digitally, now is the time! To help get you thinking about your digital transformation strategy, what follows is a portion of an […]
For many of us – depending on the climate for where we live – every January and February our thoughts turn to… spring! And the same goes for Salesforce, who has packed their platform with exciting new Spring ‘21 Release features that all orgs will be experiencing by February 12, 2021. As is the case […]
For Salesforce® admins, a new year presents an opportunity to strengthen your environment, learn new features, apply best practices, and really set the tone for the rest of the year. 2021 comes with the added pressure of kicking off a new year still mired in the middle of a global pandemic and all that comes […]
Some may say that 2020 will go down in history as the year that wasn’t, the year the pandemic robbed us all of so many things we held sacred as a society. But being the optimists that we are here at Ad Victoriam, we found plenty of reason to celebrate a fruitful year because we […]
So, you’ve empowered your team to advance your customer service with the implementation of Salesforce Service Cloud™. From case routing to managing service level agreements to access to a knowledge base that automatically evolves to an overall 360-degree view of your customers, your Service team now efficiently engages on a one-to-one level with every customer, […]
Are you still kicking around the “Does outsourcing our Salesforce® implementation make sense” question in your company’s executive sessions? Ad Victoriam Solutions knows there is no simple answer to that question. A decision to outsource is a strategic, tactical, and financial choice. The answer to the question has to be based on your own company’s […]
So, you took the leap and implemented a Salesforce Sales Cloud™. With that, you’ve empowered your sales reps to work faster and smarter. Your team now has insights, guidance, and forecasts built from AI, and data have always at your fingertips. However, now you feel like you’re ready to take that next leap in the […]
We are smack-dab in the middle of the budget planning season for 2021. Are you stressing about shoe-horning in a spend for a badly-needed cloud migration to replace your company’s legacy systems and also having to justify it to the C-suite? Most likely, the reason your key C-suite stakeholders haven’t seriously considered cloud computing previously […]